Ye Mystic Revellers Jacksonville Florida

Ye Mystic Revellers Riverside Avondale Jacksonville, Florida


the Throne of the Kingdom of Holland and chose the Princess for his Queen.

The populace then demanded that King Reveller XI abdicate in favor of the unmarried and greatly beloved Prince Willian of Oranage, a suitor for the hand of the Princess of Zeeland, and who had already been chosen by the other Provinces of the Netherlands to be their ruler and, who, with his courtiers and pages was then at the gates of the City demanding entrance. The King consulted with the Captain of his Army and learning that is was against him and supporting the people, he acceded to their demand by abdicating.

The Captain of the Army thereupon opened the City Gates and escorted the Prince, his courtiers and pages, to the throne and crowned Prince William of Orange as King Reveller XII.

King Reveller XII demanded that the Captain product Black mary, then order the Captain to behead the witch unless she produced the Princess and her Maids. Black Mary agreed to the King's demand provided that the King would choose the Princess as his Queen. This, the Kind was happy to do. Thereupon, the Captain escorted Black mary to the Royal Gardens wehre she first product the four Maids, who were escorted to the throne by their respective courtiers and pages. She then further exercised her magic and brought to life the Princess to the throne were she was crowned Queen.

The Kind thrn produced gifts for his Queen and her Maids and ordered flowers distributed to Queen Louis of Ye Mystic Krewe of Gasparilla and to Past Queen Elizabeth of Ye Mystic Revellers and to other distinguished guests. Next he ordered the Royal Entertainer to perform, after which the Nobles and their Ladies danced in celebration of the Kind and Queen of the now United Princes of the Netherland; and


It was thus that the Netherlands became a Kingdom

The first two dances after the Grand March are reserved for Active Members and their Ladies