
Perhaps the largest number of taps in the history of the Senior Fellows' Club was present when the first meeting of the club of 1927 was called at the home of Dick Judy on Tuesday, October 12, 1926. In view of James Nolan's wonderful leadership of the Junior Boys' Club, "Jimmy" was elected to serve as president of the S. F. C. The post of vice-president fell to Johnny Bryson. K. D. Colson, Jr., was elected secretary; Crowther Boyd, treasurer; Jim Colyer, scrgcant-at-arms, and John Imeson, chaplain. At a special meeting the club selected black and gold as their colors, and red and white roses as their club flowers. The pins of 1926 were standardized.

The selection of a mascot for the club was comparatively an easy matter. Miss Annette White was unanimously chosen for this honorary position. Her tapping was a great occasion. At one of the football games at Fairfield. Annette was driven around the field in a stately barouche drawn by white horses and decorated in black and gold. The entire club membership followed on foot.

The all-important matter of electing an honorary member next engaged the minds of the Senior bellows. On Thursday, October 20, Mr. R. U. Rutherford was unanimously elected as honorary member of the last S. F. C. Soon after a call for new members was issued and on November 12 an initiation was held which swelled the roll call to sixty-five names. A feature of the club this year, which should be mentioned, was its large attendance, there being an average of 50 boys present at every meeting.

As the mid-term exams passed on to oblivion, thoughts were centered on the Vodvil. Its success was highly gratifying to those who participated.

The banquet of the club which was held at the Casa Marina Hotel at Jacksonville Beach socially brought to a close one of the most successful S. F. C.'s in Duval history. The banquet was a brilliant function at which the members, the honorary member, the alumni and several chaperons were


In farewell: The Senior Fellows of 1927 feel that they have carried out their obligations and have left the indelible stamp of their high standard of perfection on the history of the Senior Fellows' Clubs of Duval High School.

S.F.C. Vodvil

In the evening of March 25, the 1927 edition of the annual S. F. C. Vodvil and Minstrel was presented at the Temple Theatre. Mr. Wetzel as director was assisted by Miss Hazel Fuller and Miss Maude Wood­ward. Following the overture came an address in which James Nolan, the club's president, introduced the program and thanked the merchants of the city and others who contributed to the success of the Vodvil. At the conclusion of the speech the curtain rose.

The setting was a garden with chairs and tables at which sat the members of the chorus, who sang, "Because I Love You " and a selection from "The Student Prince." The solos by Thomas Russell, James Moore, Clarence Smith, Irwin Roth, and Albin Hearing, were received with appreciation. The interlocutor, Stuart Richeson, acted as host, introducing the fun-makers. Their songs, excellently accompanied by the S. F. C. Orchestra, created much laughter.

Carl Cesery sang "Sadie Green," accompanying it with a skillful dance. Johnny Bryson wasn't in the mood for singing, but made up for it with a clever line of jokes. "She's Still My Baby," by T. H. Johnson, received much applause. Jack McKinnon, seated on a toy fire wagon and singing, "Fire," came out amid a roar of spontaneous laughter. Jack Hugh brought out a jazz number by singing "Clap "Yo' Hands." Those in the audience rhythmically inclined wanted to get up and dance. The orchestra wasn't needed when "Hank" Ladd sang, "I Never See Maggie Alone," because his ukelele proved sufficient to entertain. Hank was given encore after encore. The curtain came down on the minstrel act as the chorus sang "Jacksonville.


During the intermission the D. H. S. Orchestra, directed by Mr. MacGowan, gave several excellent selections by various composers.

"Two Crooks and a Lady" was presented next. Mrs. Simms-Vanc, a paralyzed old lady, is robbed of her jewels by Miller, The Hawk, and his accomplice, Lucille, Mrs. Simms-Vanc's maid. The clever old lady outwits the two and recovers her jewels, sending the thieves to jail. The entire cast showed unusual ability in acting tins difficult play. The cast included: Miller, The Hawk (Garner Hammond); Mrs. Simms-Vane (Ashbel Williams) ; Lucille (Albert Barker) ; Miss Jones (Edwin Gay) ; Police Inspector (Stuart Richeson) ; and a policeman (Gerry Holdcn).

The atmosphere then changed to comedy and dance by the Revue of 1927. "Dope With Lime" started the revue, being presented by Carl Cesery and Johnny Bryson. These two "bell hops" did a lock-step dance that would have done credit to any show.

Henry Ladd showed the makings of a professional entertainer in a short curtain act, "The Perfect Fool." He held the attention of the whole audience which received him with much applause.

The S. F. C. Orchestra, attired in convict stripes, next gave a number of the latest song hits. They were accompanied by Jack Toomer. the only junior in the Vodvil, who did a novelty jig and buck dance. Chester's dance, splendidly executed, was a great addition to the show as a whole. The members of S. F. C. Orchestra are: John Andrews, Kenneth Dyson, Elwood Hemming, Fd Norris, and Hill Wolfe.

Henry Ladd came back for another round of applause and laughter when he and Garner Hammond appeared in a burlesque of the play, "Two Crooks and a Lady." Garner proved to he a "chic" young flapper while Henry literally brought down the house as Miller.

The Mascot of the club, Miss Annette White, was introduced to the audience as the minstrel chorus sang The Drinking Song from "The Student Prince." She was pre­sented with a beautiful bouquet of roses as the audience applauded. The ensemble of the chorus singing, "Cheer for the Red and White" brought to a close Duval's last Vodvil.

Senior Girls Club

TAP! A Junior Girl transformed! But this time the word did not have quite the same meaning as it had in previous years, for the Senior Taps were to be the last to graduate from Duval. A sad and mournful thought—but a sad and weep­ing club? No, never!

September 28 found the last Senior Girls' Club full of enthusiasm, vim and vigor. The officers which the members selected with the greatest care were: President, Dorothy Lee Brown; Vice-President, Mary Lewis Blalock; Secretary, Lucy Stanley; Treasurer, Clara Houser; Sergeant-at-arms, Anona Moore; Chaplain, Evelyn Fretwell.

The girls chose for their mascot Jack Hughes, whom they very fittingly welcomed with open arms as "Just a Flower From an Old Bouquet" Mrs. Bowers was elected honorary member and presented with a beautiful bouquet to express the love of the senior girls for her.

October 7 approached with all the hopes and fears of those who were to he initiated. And they were not disappointed, for the ini­tiation was filled with thrills and fun.

October 29 was the Senior-Sophomore Girls' party, which proved an enormous suc­cess. The purpose of this party was to pro­mote a feeling of fellowship among the Seniors and Sophomores.

December $. S. G. C Jubilee—a typical Duval Audience, laughter, excitement, ap­plause!

February 26. A very brilliant luncheon was given at the Hotel George Washington.

The year 1926-27, overflowing with fun, joy, happiness and love, has been one that will never be forgotten by the last senior girls of Duval.

Marjorie HlRONS

S.C.G. Jubilee

BEFORE one of the largest audiences ever assembled in the auditorium of the Woman's Club, the last Senior Girls' Jubilee was presented on Friday evening, December 3, 1927. From the opening scene a resplendent chorus, composed of thirty-five of Duval's most attractive girls, to the dra­matic climax of "The Mandarin Coat", the audience was enthralled. The riot of ap­plause proved that the Jubilee had won the appreciation and enthusiasm of all present.

Prior to the opening scene, Miss Dorothy Lee Brown, president of the Senior Girls' Club, delivered, in a gracious manner, a wel­come address.

Promptly at 8:15 the curtain was drawn, presenting a most artistic scene—the thirty-five members of the chorus in fairy costume. Their operatic selections from Sullivan's Iolanthe, displayed unusual talent and train­ing.

The first playlet, "Wisdom Teeth," a whimsical little skit, was presented by the Junior Girls' Club. A very bashful young man, with an aversion for women, is called upon to sympathize with a hysterical aunt and an attractive young girl. In spite of his inexperience, he meets the situation. This playlet was presented by the following cast:

Henry Wellington Hill, a shy young man— Billy Kinsey; Henrietta Wellington, an old maid aunt of Henry's—Margaret Campbell; The Girl, who has a wisdom tooth—Vivian Locke-Lewis; Office Attendant — Katherine Witschen.

"The Hour Glass," a morality play by Veals, one of the most artistic productions ever staged by the Senior Girls' Club, gave a deep and serious tone to the program. The medieval atmosphere was almost perfectlydepicted by the colorful costumes and setting, so characteristic of the age. The cast was as follows:

A Wise Man, Ethelyn Hedstrom; A Fool, Marjorie Hirons; An Angel, Dana Summitt; The Wise Man's Wife, Almvra Davis; The Wise Man's Children, Lois Cleveland and Celia Engler.

An added attraction of the program was a novelty dance, "Manhattan Variations." The graceful dancers, Nancy Stormont and Carl Cesery, accompanied by Edyth Sorensen, pianist, were the recipients of many ova­tions.

"The Mandarin Coat," a brilliant society play, formed the climax to the evening's pro­gram. The beautifully furnished living room of the Mendon home, was an artistic back­ground for the presentation of the scenes. The austerity of a middle-aged business man, deeply in love with his irresponsible young wife, caused many unusual instances. The young bachelor friend, a dashing and at­tractive young man, portrayed his whimsical disposition in staging a lively auction sale, which created unusual merriment and laugh­ter. The play was ably presented by the following cast:

John Mendon, middle-aged business man— Stuart Richeson; Dorothy .Mendon, his young wife—Ethel Partridge"; Robert Lennox, bachelor friend of Dorothy— Ralph Snyder; Edith Chester, in love with Robert—Ruth Washburn; Katv, maid at the Mendon home —Roberta Head.

The Duval High School Orchestra, accom­panied by Miss Anna Saffer,. pianist, enter­tained the audience with many beautiful se­lections throughout the evening.

Ethel Partridge.

Duval High School Orchestra and Band

Orchestra: Ollie B. Nail, President; Celia Engler, Secretary-Treasurer; Alice Biscow, Assistant Director; W. L. MacGowan, Director.

Band: Ollie B. Nail, President; Roy Wheeler, Drum Major; W. L. MacGowan, Counsellor.

Violins: Martha Lauderback, Concert Master; Celia Engler, Alice Biscow, Sara Sylvester, Roy Wheeler, Lydia Grierson, Annetta Hamilton, Jerry Ed­wards, Grace Dupree, Abe Sager, Alice Craig, Ralph Mizrahi, Tom Neff, Eddie Cohen, Villeret Russell.Violas: Helen Ruff, Ruth Johnson. Cello: Geo. Henry Flute: Milner Brittain. Oboe: Donald Thompson. Clarinets: Willie Pearl Wilson, Sara Marshall. Saxophones: Harry Brinkley, Ray Armstrong. Trumpets: Ollie Nail, Steven Goggins, Jas. Bunker, Oscar Keep, Harry Warnock. Horns: John Goodnow, Moxlee Wesner. Trom­bones: Rush Allen, Harlan Curtis Hubert Ponder,Joe Hilton. Tuba: Geo. Weathers, Geo. Mitchell. Drum: Milton Foor, Guthrie Ellis. Piano: Anna Safer. Associate: Dan Kriger Public Performances: December, 1926, Senior Girls' Club Jubilee. March, 1927, Senior Fellows' Club Vodvil. April, Jacksonville Garden Club Flower Show. Springfield May Festival, Arcade Theatre Matinee, Duval P. T. A. May, Senior Play, Music Festival, Tampa, Fla., W. J. A. X. June, D. H. S. Commencement.

Kelly Gantt, Raymond Linderbeck, Edna Campbell, Perry Coleman

Sarah Gannon, Lena Smedley, Lula Krause, Edna Lutz, Doris Phillips, Amanda Munsch, Bernice Richardson

K D Colson, Jr, Stuart Richeson, Mack Thames, Herbert Newman, John Imeson, John Ingle, Fenner E King, George E Mercer,James Anthony,

Jack Winterburn, Myron Prevatt

The Softomore Ratess Club: Helen Gray, Barbara Sabeiston, Jane Reed, Catherine Burns, Mary Catherene Pacetti. Helen Minium

Milton Foley, Herbert Newman, Robert Stedeford, William Wilson, Williaim Rosenberg, Jack Ball, Catharine Witschen, LeRoy MacGowan

Chester Toomer

Junior Boys Club

Junior Girls Club Catherine Witschen, Marjorie Lloye, Isabel Berry , Margaret Lee Hughes, Elizabeth Smith

James Warren, Marjorie Hirons, Dorothy Tracy, Hazel Campbell, Marjorie Lloyd, Alma Howell, Abe Diamond, F S Wetzel

Martin Roess, Mary Louise Fagg, Maude Woodward, Herbert Newman, Dorothy Lee Brown,Ruth Washburn, Albert Barker, KD Colson, John Imeson

Annette White, Ruth Beutenmiller

Gordon Baskervill, Marie Campbell, Irene Scanlon, Bernalyn McBride, Alva Roberson, Helen Minium, Francis Cartmel, Dana Summitt,

Gladys Yenawine, Virginia F Miller,

Willie Dee William, Annette White,Francis Cartmel, Clara Houser, Malvern Finkelstein, Margaret Irwin

Oracle Staff Roster

Willie Dee Willian..........Editor-in-Chief

John Imeson.............Associate-Editor

Crowther Boyd..........Business Manager

K. D. Colson, Jr..........Circulation Manager

John Bryson..........Subscription Manager

Carl Cesery..........Advertising Manager

Henry Martin..........Collection Manager

Sullivan Bedei.i............Literary Editor

Ruth Washburn.............4rt Editor

Malvern Finkelstein..........Sport Editor

Hatten Howard...........Exchange Editor

Faculty Advisors

Mr. F S Wetzel Miss Maude Creighton Woodward

General Staff

Ethel Partridge Dana Summitt

Albert Barker Jack Ball

Dorothy Lee Brown Ruth Beutenmiller

William Weller Slocum Ball

Annette White Foster Goodell

Frank Adams Edith Sorenson

Gladys Yenawine Evelyn Haines

Ralph Lyle Myron Prevatt

Elsie Finkelstein Celia Engle

Business Staff

Horace Marsh Prentiss Huddleston

Luke Dorsett Eugene Peacock

Rush Allen Edwin Gay

Eli Finkelstein Suzanne Haughton

Typing Staff

Grace Dupre Ethelyn Hedstrom

Alice Biscow Hazel McCance

Sara Leiberman Dorothy Ossinsky

Ruth Beutenmiller